Tania Glenn and Associates, PA
PLEASE NOTE: All services are by appointment only.
Thank you so much for accessing our website and for your interest in our practice. Before you contact any team member, please understand the following.
For Potential Patients- If you are a potential new patient, please call the office at 512-323-6994 and leave a detailed voicemail including a good callback number. This is the fastest way to access us.
- Please understand that if we are not an appropriate resource for you, our referral coordinator will redirect you to other options. This will save you time, money and frustrations.
- Please do not email any team member to request advice or a diagnostic impression.
- Please do not contact any team member to initiate therapy on any form of social media or through social media messaging – this is never assured to be HIPAA compliant.
- If you are calling on behalf of another adult, please understand that we will never cold call that person. All adults must call on behalf of themselves to speak to the referral coordinator.
- Tania Glenn does not offer advice or consultation to any program or practice without an existing agreement in place. Information on these topics is available in the book First Responder Resilience: Caring for Public Servants.
- If you are seeking an agreement, please email Tania Glenn directly.
- Please do not forward business plans for review.
Texas law requires a provider to hold a license in the state where they practice in order to administer services to patients in Texas.
Many of you have asked about the Social Work Compact. This is a multi-agency initiative through the Council of State Governments (CSG), the Department of Defense (DoD), the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB), the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), and the Clinical Social Work Association (CSWA) to support the mobility of licensed social workers through the development of a new interstate compact. This additional licensing pathway will facilitate multistate practice among member states. Right now it’s in the draft stages in several states. This has not been fully enacted by the requisite number of states, Texas has not passed legislation about this compact, and even if it did, privileges to practice under any such initiative won’t begin for several more years.
Thus, the present time, Tania Glenn & Associates does not participate in any interstate compact, and thus cannot offer services to patients and clients outside of Texas with rare exceptions for intensives which must be discussed on a case-by-case basis. We appreciate your understanding and we look forward to caring for our Texas clients.

- Email: [email protected]
- Individual and Family Counseling
- Dr. Tania Glenn and Associates (Counselors)
- TGA Telephone Numbers 512-323-6994 512-323-9490 (fax)