Training, Consultation, and Outreach
- Mission — As a deployable component of Tania Glenn and Associates, PA the TGA Strike Team provides pre-incident training, crisis intervention and follow up care for organizations impacted by the unthinkable. The TGA Strike Team trains and utilizes peer support personnel as well as mental health professionals to bring about the most effective interventions and best results.
- Outreach Philosophy — This division of Tania Glenn and Associates, PA works mainly with high performing individuals and organizations with a nexus to critical incidents and/or PTSD. By focusing on individual and team strengths, the TGA Strike Team seeks to enhance resilience and keep high performers in the line of duty.

Critical Incident Response and Peer Support
The TGA Strike Team is dedicated to assisting your workplace environment in dealing with the unthinkable– stress and traumatic events. From preparation to interventions and follow-up care for major incidents, traumatic events, and crises, the program’s design is to mitigate stressful incidents and minimize damaging effects on personnel and workplace environments. The TGA Strike Team provides a number of services, including:
- Extreme Stress and Traumatic Events — This course provides training in the types of stress, effects of stress, and managing traumatic events; and, it provides a comprehensive understanding on normal reactions to stress and ways to manage stress and trauma through difficult periods and/or deployments.
- Pre-incident Inoculation — This course provides education designed to mitigate stress responses through a thorough understanding of the biological and psychological factors related to stress and trauma.
- Emergency Response and Policies — This service involves reviewing and revising policies and procedures for organizations of all sizes and all types of missions; it ensures your organization is ready for difficult periods and/or deployments.
- Crisis Response and Follow Up — This course reviews proven, effective interventions and the necessary follow up to ensure continued healing and normal functioning. TGA can provide counseling services, if needed, as follow up treatment.
- Peer Support — This course involves building and developing peer support teams in support of co-workers. Peer Support is the emerging model for workplace mitigation of stressors for both personal and professional issues. Peer support is not counseling; but, it can either mitigate the need for counseling or serve as a conduit for counseling, if needed.

Please click on the TGA Therapy (TGA Mental Health Counseling Services) for more information on our individual, couple, and family counseling services.
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TGA Mental Health Services for Homeland Defense and Security Professionals
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) — an information processing therapy using eye movements and thoughts to treat anxiety, stress, and trauma.
- Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Treatment — Treatment — involves numerous modalities of treatment using an interactive, multi-faceted approach to combat PTSD.